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GLREA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that represents individuals, organizations and businesses that support the adoption and expansion of clean renewable energy in Michigan like solar and wind.  GLREA’s Mission is to 'Promote the Use of Renewable Energy in Michigan by Empowering our Members and the Public through Advocacy, Education and Strategic Collaboration.' GLREA works to establish policy that supports the free market expansion of renewable energy. 

GLREA does this work through three core program areas: we hold Regional Energy Fairs to educate the public about renewable energy systems; organize Community Meetings to show how renewable energy saves money, increases property value and creates jobs; and meet with Local & State Officials to build support for policies that encourage renewable energy.

But we can only do this work with your help and support!  Please become a Member and join us in this work!

Join Us

As a GLREA Member you will…
  • Support the development of clean renewable energy in Michigan and reduce our dependence on coal to generate electricity.​

  • Support GLREA programs to educate the public about renewable energy with our Energy Fairs and Community Meetings.

  • Receive invitations to Energy Fairs and other Activities.

  • Keep abreast of Federal, State and Local developments that impact renewable energy.

  • Receive the monthly GLREA e-newsletter Great Lakes Energy News.


We Need Your Support Today!

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